The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

From the Head of Middle School


The National Assessment Program in Years 3, 5, 7, 9 called NAPLAN moves from a pen and paper-based document to a suite of online assessments at Scotch College this year.  Online testing has two distinct advantages:  The turnaround time between doing the tests and receiving the results will be only weeks rather than months when compared to the previous delivery model, allowing us to use what we learn from the testing back in the classroom for the second half of the year.  The other anticipated advantage is the ability for the online test to be adaptive, or reactive, offering students ability-based pathways through the test which in turn provides us with a more detailed picture of each student's understanding in Numeracy and Literacy.

The National Assessment Program has produced a short video highlighting the advantages NAPLAN online has to offer.  NAPLAN 2019 will be held in Week 4 next term.

The national expectation for literacy and numeracy achievement is for students to reach a Band 8 across the 5 NAPLAN assessments at Year 9.  This is considered the minimum level of Mathematics and English literacy to complete secondary schooling in Western Australia.  Students who do not achieve a Band 8 following Year 9 NAPLAN have up to six further opportunities between Year 10 and Year 12 to achieve this standard via the OLNA testing.  OLNA is the Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment.

Bluewater Primary School

This week we begin our fundraising for Bluewater Primary School's restocking of their flooded library in earnest.  Cupcakes will be sold for $1 at recess and lunchtime and a second-hand book stall will be running throughout the week.  Books will range in price from 50c - $3.  More donations of second-hand books would be greatly appreciated.  Our Free Dress Day is scheduled for Wednesday of Week 11.  Organisers are hoping for at least a gold coin donation for the joy of wearing free dress to school.  The total funds collected will be matched by a group of book stores that have expressed an interest in supporting our endeavours.  Fingers crossed the kids at Bluewater Primary will have some new books on their library shelves for next term.

Communion at Chapel

Next Monday for our final Chapel service of the term, Reverend Wall will hold a Communion as a way of celebrating Easter and also showing our boys a Communion Service.  All boys will be invited to participate although it is optional to take part.  Grape juice will be our wine substitute.  We would be pleased if you had the chance to discuss this coming event with you son and help him determine his participation in the Communion Service.