The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Old Scotch Collegians

Old Scotch Collegians who graduated over 50 years ago are invited to attend the annual Seniors' Lunch on Friday 24 May. The lunch is one of our annual signature events and a highlight of the Old Scotch Collegians calendar.

We look forward to welcoming back Old Scotch Collegians from the Class of 1989 to their thirty year reunion on Saturday 8 June. Past students from this cohort (even if they left Scotch prior to 1989) are able to register here.

A more complete list of our 2019 events can be found on the Upcoming Events page of the alumni website.

A reminder that the OSC office has a number of Reporters from 2017, 2016 and 2015 that are yet to be collected. If your household is missing a copy, please contact the OSC office to collect one