The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

A Wonderful Beginning

Last week, I had the honour to attend my first Middle School Assembly as the acting Head of Middle School.  I listened to the young men of the School share their learning adventures with the school community.  Whether they were talking about their Community Project and sharing information on the importance of the humble bumble bee, their action to help a dog shelter or the transformative nature of their experience of their tour to the Northern Territory, the boys spoke with confidence and passion beyond their years.

During our Assembly, we were able to recognise the success of many of our boys in their learning in school and for others, their success in representing the state in national and international competitions, be that in fencing (Alex finishing 3rd out of 200 in under 15 at the Nationals), tennis (Austin representing the state in the Nationals) or floor ball Caden’s team winning the competition in Singapore).

The entire event was led by our Year 8 House Seniors and we had the pleasure of having the Middle School Pipe Band perform the school blessing and song.

What the Assembly said to me was that we have a group of boys who make up what is a very special place.  A Middle School that provides outstanding opportunities to its boys, fills them with the confidence to speak with passion about what they do and learn, and nurtures them to be the type of boys this College produces.  It was an inspiring event to be part of.

Looking forward to the next eight weeks, the opportunity to engage with the boys, teachers and parents of this School is one that I welcome. I have asked the boys to share with me what they like to read and to tell me about their interests and ideas.  I am looking at this term as a unique opportunity to learn about the wonderful people who make up the School and about the many special ways the Middle School works with and develops these fine young men.