The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Art News

The Year 5 artists have been busy researching and discussing their PYP exhibition central idea 'As technology advances, so does its impact'.

After a great debate on the impact of technology, the boys decided upon their subject matter and whether it had a positive or negative impact. The Italian 16th century imaginative artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526-1593) was the inspiration for their final artwork. The artists completed a digital silhouette which included hand drawn imagery. The artwork has been presented either within the silhouette (positive impact) or in the background (negative impact) depending on their chosen subject matter. Each profile was completed using the app Sketches.

The central idea was the overarching principle which perfectly linked digital artwork to traditional drawing methods. I encourage you to visit the artwork which is on display alongside the Year 5 PYP exhibition.

abe-.jpg leon.png ta.jpg

Mrs Jane Roche
Junior Art Specialist