The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Levelled Literacy Intervention Program

At 7:45am on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, three to five dedicated Year 5 boys meet and take part in the Levelled Literacy Intervention Program. This program provides explicit instruction primarily on reading strategies and comprehension skills, however, there is a writing component which involves phonics and vocabulary. These boys are to be commended for committing to meeting before school three mornings a week to discuss, analyse and critique a range of literary texts.

The LLI program aligns well with the IB Approaches to Learning which include thinking, social, communication, self-management and research. The boys learn to think critically and creatively. The rich discussion of stories and informational texts provide the opportunity for boys to collaborate while enhancing their social and communication skills; they listen to each other and respond and share ideas and opinions. The boys involved in the before school program demonstrate an impressive level of self-management skills by being organised for each lesson. Home learning requires the boys to read every night and complete a range of phonic, spelling and word work activities or games.

The boys taking part in the LLI program are to be congratulated for showing a high level of dedication to their learning.